The Fire Museum Seminar
It is a mix of formal presentations, informal discussions, and tours of local fire and non-fire museum sites…. It’s educational seminars about both operating a museum and firefighting history…. It’s for those who are just starting a fire museum, and those who have been around a while…. It is a time to learn, and a place to see and hear what dozens of other museums are doing (or perhaps what they should be doing)…. It is a chance for you to share problems and solutions, exchange ideas and information, and compare your organization with others…. It is an opportunity network. It is late nights spent discussing how many steam fire engines are left in the country, new exhibit techniques, or the merits of the latest museum collections database program. In short, it's… great friends, great food, and great fun!
Never been to a Fire Museum Seminar?
Click here to see what it's about!
Before you come...
A few helpful hints, tips, suggestions and reminders of things to bring to the Fire Museum Seminar --
• Dress casual
The Fire Museum Seminar is very casual - (you are welcome to "show your colors" by wearing a T-shirt from your museum).
• Bring brochures and promotional materials
We encourage you to bring copies of your museum's brochure, newsletter, and any other promotional material for distribution to the Fire Museum Seminar attendees (plan on approximately 40 to 50 people).
• Bring business cards and a small notepad
Networking-networking-networking -- it's all about networking. Make sure to bring plenty of business cards to pass out. I also find it helpful to bring a small pocket-sized notebook to jot down names, notes, ideas, and make "to-do" lists.
• Bring some photos/video of your museum
Usually, we set aside one hour for museums to "brag" about themselves! We are all interested to see your building, exhibits, apparatus or even what your artifact storage ("junk") room looks like. We will have audio/visual equipment available, or you can just stand up and tell us about it!